Gore Running For President?

Officially, Al Gore is not running for president. But I think he might be.
Al Gore has already gone through two painful presidential campaigns, 1988, when he was defeated by Michael Dukakis, and 2000, well, we all remember what happened then.
Through those campaigns Gore was robotic and impersonal and he didn’t look like he was having a very good time.
He’s having a good time now and he hasn’t had to set foot in the frozen tundra of New Hampshire or Iowa. Instead of being at a meet-and-greet in some small town next Sunday, he’ll be at the Academy Awards. He could even win a Nobel Prize — all the while selling tickets to his movie, selling books and promoting his anti-global warming, Live Aid-style concert, Live Earth.
In my New York Sun column, I speak to Jarrett Barrios, a State Senator from Cambridge, MA., who campaigned for Gore in 2000, Hillary Clinton-supporter Steve Grossman, and New Hampshire talk show host, Arne Arnesen, all of whom have interesting things to say about a candidacy by our former vice president.

2 Responses to “Gore Running For President?”

  1. Deborah Gitell Says:

    Great tight piece in the NY Sun Gitell.com
    I will forward this to A.G.’s camp or at least try to bump into him at Morton’s this sunday.

  2. Gore’s Moment « Dispatches from Seth Gitell Says:

    […] As I suggested he might back in February, Gore now has won an Academy Award and the Nobel Prize. It would make a great resume for a […]

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